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Above: Dating...  When my mother died (a year before my father) dad wrote the following note and stuck it on the picture. It reads: "October 1948 we met. October 2013 Barbara went on ahead."  One of the last things he said to the doctors at the hospital before he died was "I just want to go find Barbara."
Right: Newlyweds! 
How DanBar Ranch Got Its Name
DanBar Ranch is a tribute to my beloved parents, Daniel and Barbara Jessup, long-time residents of West Seattle, WA. Dad was a captain for United Air Lines and mom worked tirelessly to give us kids a clean, safe, intelligent and loving home. Because of them, I was able to retire to the country and "live the dream" which is DanBar Ranch. Thanks, mom and dad, for instilling in me my love and respect for all animals, my ethics and my common sense - the best gifts parents can give their kids.  They taught me that if the store clerk accidently gave you too much change back - you walk back in and return it.  They were pure class. I hope whereever they are they can see into my heart and know how much I love them. 
​Left: Dad joined the Navy as a flyer and served during the Korean War.  
Lower Left: A proud and happy family!  Mom and dad with my brother, Daniel Myron Jessup (Mike) first born, only son!
Bottom Right:  A happy and proud dad. Man, did he love flying. My brother was a career Coast Guardsman, flying in C140s primarily in Alaska.