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Marma's All Around Haley The Comet, CHIC*
OFA Eyes: NORMAL CT-BCA6/32F/C-VPI (02/21)
OFA Dentition: scheduled  2021 
OFA Patellas: CT-PA251/20F/P-VPI 
OFA Advanced Heart: CLEAR CT-ACA34/20F-VPI
DNA Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency: CLEAR
DNA Hemophilia B (Cairn Terrier Type): CLEAR  
DNA Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy: CLEAR 
DNA Craniomandibular Osteopathy (CMO): CLEAR 18-3999

I obtained "Twizzle" from Norma Rice as an adult.  Twizzle is an active dog and enjoys the run of my 20 acres. She almost always has something in her mouth as a toy.  She is very sweet and loyal.  She fit right in with the group of dogs. 

Twiz is just a great little cairn; I adore her.  She is so sweet and compliant. I love her!  Thank you Norma!
Twizzle's sire is AKC Champion Higgin's Checkov. 
Twizzle's dam is Mara's Mora The Same
After Twizzle's "show name" you notice the letters "CHIC". This stands for Canine Health Information Center, a program which is a cooperative effort between the OFA and AKC breed clubs.  It encourages breeders to test their dogs for the issues specific for their dogs.  Dogs that have had all the required tests get the CHIC designation behind their name.  For more information CLICK HERE